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Update From Town Hall Meeting Of Ndimgbu Community Development Union, Otolo Nnewi,Following The Impeachment Of Their Former President General(PG)

Nnewi News

Update From Town Hall Meeting Of Ndimgbu Community Development Union, Otolo Nnewi,Following The Impeachment Of Their Former President General(PG)

Barely two weeks after Prince Ifeanyi Anazodo who was the former President General (PG) of Ndimgbu Community Development Union(NCDU) was impeached together with his entire executives, after a vote of no confidence was passed on them,the harmony committee who have been foreseeing the whole process,starting from when the impeached PG was commiting all sort of atrocities in the community,to when the PG was given an invite to make an apology which he failed to do, and to when he was finally impeached ,Ndimgbu Community finally had a town hall meeting today ,being Saturday, the 10th of September,2022.

The purpose of the meeting was nothing but to thank and deeply appreciate the people of Ndimgbu,both indigenes and residents for their unflinching support during the days of storms and loggerheads in their community, and for having the courage to say enough is enough to bad leadership.

The announcement for the meeting was made in the early morning of today being Saturday,the 10th of September,2022.It was sad that not everybody was still around as at the time the announcement was being made,as some people left very early for business activities.

However,when the meeting was about to commence around 7 a.m,a member of the harmony committee received a call from the Chairman of Nzukọ Ọra Nnewi,Mr Maduka Atuenyi ,saying that he received a circular from the governor of Anambra State Charles Chukwuma Soludo that the meeting should not hold.A request was made from the harmony committee member to get a copy of the circular,but Mr Atuenyi declined.

It was a thing of surprise to everyone how the governor has already gotten information and has issued a circular already ,for a meeting that will be happening by 7 a.m ,of which the announcement for the meeting was made just few hours earlier, that same morning .

There was enough turn up, and Ndimgbu Community Development Union went on with their normal town hall meeting ,as there was no evidence to prove that the governor of Anambra State gave such order.

The people of Ndimgbu during the meeting

The meeting was a success,as people turned up.People also expressed how good they feel about the current state of thing and the fact that peace has finally returned to Ndimgbu community, as it used to be before the whole chaos and abuse of power.

The harmony committee assured Ndimgbu people that the caretaker election will happen on or before the 26th of December,2022.Some members of the harmony committee also stated categorically that they don’t have interest in vying for any position,that their interest is for peace and order to be in their beloved Ndimgbu community.

Some members of the harmony committee during the meeting

At the end,a vote of thanks was given by the harmony committee,they said the closing prayer and the meeting dismissed .

photo shots after the meeting
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