Ọdịnala Igbo is a Religion.
All dictionary meanings of religion is clear that Odinani is a religion. Here are some of the dictionary meaning of religion;
1. The service and worship of God, Gods or the supernatural
2. The commitment or devotion to religious faith or observance
3. A personal set or institutionalized system of religious attitudes, beliefs, and practice.
4: A cause, principle, or system of beliefs held with ardor and faith
5. A person’s relationship with what they consider sacred, divine or holy
I do not know any of these above standard definitions that make some Ndi Odinani to proudly posit Odinani is not a religion. What Odinani is not, is being an organised religion. It does not seek to capture the devotion of anyone outside it’s patrilineal linkage. It does not claim to be the only way. It does not claim to be a direct system from God. Yet, it still does not exempt it from being a religion.
Any belief system that is practised and passed down from one person to another is already a religion. Whether the system is loosely codified like Odinani or rigidly cast in stone like Christianity and Islam.
This argument is akin to those who regard an apprentice who learnt trading as uneducated. No. The very art of apprenticeship is informal education. Education can be formal or informal.
Informal education does not leave you with certificate. It does not have elaborate set of examinations where you are scored or failed, yet it is purely a school in all ramifications. Think of Nkwo Nnewi Market. It is an informal university where basic fundamentals of trading are learnt. Yet it is not an accredited institution of learning.
This is exactly how Odinani is. It is a religion but purely informal. It may have lesser dogmas or doctrines unlike organised religion, but, it is still a man made path to know God(s), Spirituality and the supernatural.
Written by Nze Tobe Osigwe (Ezeikolomuo)