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Who Are The Igbo People?

Anambra News

Who Are The Igbo People?

Igbo ancestors have always maintained that they were among the first people on earth. Till date, many Igbo traditionalists when they pray with Kolanut or Nzu, they acknowledge Ndi Mbu na Ndi Egede.


Ndi Mbu means the first people that witnessed the beginning of humanity and the world. The word for world in Igbo is Uwa. Our ancients posited, Uwa walu awa. This means the world broke forth. It cracked open like an egg.


Unfortunately, today, many Ndi Igbo have no knowledge of their past. Some have latched on to the latter day revisionism that Ndi Igbo are among the lost tribe of Israel. How can we be among the lost tribe of Israel when our folklores and creation story have different perspective about the creation of the world from the Jews?


The Jews believe God created Adam and Eve. Igbo ancients believed this world broke forth(The Big Bang). Thereafter, it was discovered by spiritual beings in human form. These spiritual travellers, like I stated above, were addressed as Ndi Mbu. Our ancestors maintained they are the descendants of these Ndi Mbu who tamed this earth and made it livable for humans, their creation.

Disturbingly, Igbo creation story is not taught in school in Ala Igbo or Nigeria. Now tell me, how can an Onye Igbo develop a healthy self-esteem when they know little of nothing about their past and ancestry?


The risk of settling for less is high, the risk of compromising on the future is inevitable, once you lose your sense of history. Be it at family level, community level or national level.


Many Ndi Igbo, disappointedly, lack basic knowledge of their family history up to the fourth generation. Some know little or nothing about their grandparents. This is an anomaly. The history of your family, community and Igbo nation should be among the early education one must learn to be a sound and confident Onye Igbo.


You must know what your ancestors said, on how this world was created. You must be able to transmit this knowledge to the next generation. Regardless of the fact you buy into their narrative or not, you have to know it. It’s your history!


History is a very important subject for anyone that wants to develop a healthy self esteem. Self esteem built on money or material possessions are illusory and finite. But self esteem that comes from a place of deep knowledge of who you are creates a resilient and unsullied being.


It was the knowledge of who they are that made the Igbos who were taken to Georgia during the TransAtlantic slave trade to drown in the sea. Records from slave merchants showed that the Igbos made the most stubborn of slaves. They were never pliant. Many of them organised subversive overthrows in the various plantations they were taken. It was the knowledge of whom they were that made them impossible to be caged.


How can you educate or enslave a people who firmly believe they were the first people on earth? It is difficult to make a slave out of such fellow. It is difficult or practically impossible to enslave anyone whose mind is free.


Regrettably, today, modern Ndi Igbo, do not know their history. No wonder the many supine and sycophantic behaviours from many of them. They do not know they are descendants of Ndi Mbu! The first of their kind! Sages who sat down to discuss with God, nature and spirits as equals!


Written by Nze Tobe Osigwe (Ezeikolomụo).

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